Red Phial Spykur for Android


Red Phial Spykur for Android connects to a Red Phial Ynturcoughm server on the same subnet.  This app plays the audio streamed from the server.

Privacy Policy:

Red Phial Spykur does not transmit data back to its developer nor does it record the audio stream.  Keep in mind that while Red Phial Spykur is connected to a server, your phone produce sounds at any time.  To avoid this, turn off the service.  Finally, the audio stream is not encrypted, making it easier for someone to listen to the audio stream transmitted by the server.

Instruction Manual:



  • Version 1.1:
    • New icon


Red Phial Spykur.apk 

Download Older Version:

Red Phial Spykur 1.0.apk 

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